Colds and Flus – No Thank You

Naturopathic medicine can be super helpful during the colder months with viruses, bacteria, coughs, runny noses, you name it. Did you know, for example, that elderberry, basil, garlic, thyme, and rosemary all have antiviral and antibacterial properties? Yup. And, through multiple studies, when compared head to head with dextromethorphan (DM) cough syrup, honey came out ahead or the same for relief of cough every time (with way fewer side effects). Naturopathic medicine uses remedies to encourage the body’s own ability to heal itself. There are remedies to help boost the immune system’s pathogen-fighting ability, herbs to help balance when the immune system is overactive as it is with allergies, and herbs and supplements to soothe and heal when the body gets sick. In addition to nutritional support, naturopathic practitioners often focus on lifestyle factors, encouraging adequate sleep, stress management, and a balanced diet to fortify the body’s defenses. Overall, naturopathic medicine aims to address the root causes of illness, aiming for a comprehensive and personalized approach to bolster the immune system and minimize the impact of colds and flu. And naturopathic doctors work as team members with your other practitioners and doctors to support you. Please do check in with your naturopathic doctor to tailor these approaches to your specific health needs.

Homemade black elderberry syrup in glass jar and bunches of black elderberry in background

Published by kimcallaghannd

naturopathic doctor with focus on women's health, children's health, hormones, foodie, knitter, hiker, mom

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